You’re In Good Hands With…

You’re in Good Hands with…-Pastor Gary

Do you know which company uses the tagline “You’re in good hands with…”? This insurance company is conveying that, not only do they have your interest in mind, but they will do their best to take care of all of your needs so that you can be at peace knowing you are well taken care of.  This catch phrase came to mind as I was reflecting on Paul’s words to the Thessalonians, “For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter had tempted you and that our labors might have been in vain.”  The Thessalonians were “in good hands” with Paul.  He cared very deeply about their relationship with Christ.

Allow me to rephrase this question and make it more personal.  “Are your ministry kids in good hands with you?”

A pastor recently shared with me his concerns over growing the children’s ministry in his church.  His comments reference all of the technology used by their youth and how he desired to create a new stage design within their complex to take their church to the next level of ministry.  All of the ideas were great ones with lots of vision and motivation.  I do believe that, when it is completed, every child who experiences it will be thrilled.  Still, does all of that mean that the kids are in good hands?

Let’s make a checklist.

  • Security / Safety
  • Inviting Atmosphere
  • Trained Teachers
  • Engaging Curriculum
  • Contemporary Kids’ Worship Music
  • Follow-up Procedures

All of these are vital elements of ministry.  Even so, is there something that is still missing?  Paul gave us the most essential focus to help us answer the question, “Are they in good hands?”  As he winds up his comments in Philippians 2:15-16, he tells us how he will know that all that he has done in ministry was not in vain.  “As you hold firmly to the Word of life” is indeed the vital element to answer our question today.

Kids can have a marvelous time in church, but unless they are holding firmly to the Word, unless their lives are being personally and eternally changed by the power of God’s Word, then are they truly in good hands?  Is the central purpose of the ministry being accomplished?

I pray for God’s wisdom, power, creativity, and anointing to flow through you more greatly than ever before.  I pray for Him to lead you in designing and developing your ministry in ways that enthusiastically engage your kids.  I pray for the power of His Word to be seen in all you do.  May your ‘checklist’ be complete and your kids be “in good hands” as they hold firmly to the Word of life!

-Pastor Gary

Don’t Miss This!

Is there is at least $9.00 of lessons or games you have been wanting to get from

If so, today is the day to do it!  Why?  God’s Mighty Men is a terrific lesson & replayable game combo that we will send you FREE when you get those lessons or games you have already wanted!

We sincerely believe this to be one of the most powerful kids’ ministry services we have ever provided for you.  God’s Mighty Men lesson is one of those in which we felt a clear, powerful anointing as we wrote it.  It will even encourage, strengthen, and motivate you, the pastor/ministry leader as you read through it.

Wherever you minister, there is always the need for more people who will step up and follow the examples of these Mighty Men of God and live out these God-given attributes.  Give your kids the chance to grasp hold of the vision that they can each be like God’s Mighty Men and change their world!

Mighty Men of God is creatively designed to be flexible for your situation

-It can be used with or without the included PowerPoint
-Large or small group
-Short or long service
-15 to 30 minute segment
-OR 1 hour service
-OR 4 week curriculum
-Cue cards for the teacher are also provided 

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