3 Vital Steps for Life and Ministry

I am sharing with you 3 vital steps to incorporate in life and ministry.

Last week we considered three life-transforming words Jesus spoke to Peter in Luke 5, “From Now On.”  As we widen our view of what Jesus said we read, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will fish for people.”

Within this short statement are three remarkable steps you and I can apply to our daily walk with Christ and our ministries which will empower us to be ‘more than overcomers.’  Let’s first bullet them and then go through them.

Don’t be afraid – Meet Fear
From now on – Move Forward
You will fish for people – Must Follow

In order to experience victory in life or ministry, you must ‘Meet Fear Head On.’  Fear can be a crippling experience.  It will hold you back from accomplishing tasks at hand.  It will keep you from living in joy.  It will be a thief which steals from you.  Meet fear head on with FAITH and never give in to it in any area of life or ministry.

Next we see that Christ calls us to ‘Move Forward.’  Living life as a believer and carrying out the ministry with power and effectiveness involves daily moving forward.  We must let go of ‘what is behind’ as Paul writes and ‘press toward what is ahead.’

The third key in an empowered life and ministry comes from the ‘Must Follow’ portion after you ‘Meet Fear Head On’ and ‘Move Forward.’  You ‘Must Follow God’s Purposes.’  Jesus’ words changed Peter’s identity and purpose.  Who are you in Christ?  Who has God created you to be?  What purposes has He planned for your life and ministry?  True success, victory, and satisfaction comes through and only when we ‘Follow God’s Purposes’ for our lives.

Be challenged today to:  “Meet Fear Head On,” “Move Forward,” and “Follow God’s Purposes.”

-Pastor Gary

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