New Year – New Possibilities!

How are you looking to close this year and begin the next one?

Most of us usually mark the ending of a year as the ending of a season.  At times, we will end the year with a sigh while thinking something to the effect, “At least I made it through another year.”  Maybe you have been feeling a bit of pressure and are just looking forward to this year quickly coming to a close.

God frequently encourages me with thoughts from Isaiah 45.  I love to read it from the Amplified Bible.  It is beautiful and thoroughly uplifting!  Isaiah 45:8  Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up [as plants do] together; I the Lord have created it.

Verse 8 tells of the skies raining down righteousness, [pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities]!  These heaven-born possibilities have their foundation (creation and root) in the very being of God.  Have you ever considered why are they called possibilities instead of blessings, gifts, or answers?  The answer directly follows in “let the earth open.”  For the rains from heaven to produce the fullest potential in our lives, we must open up the earth in our lives.  In other words, we have to plow up the soil so it is ready to receive those rains.

Hard, dried, baked, unprepared soil causes the rain to wet the top and run off, leaving it to bake and harden more when the sun comes back out.  There are times when people do the same with the soil of their heart and lives.  They do not prepare for the heavenly rain.  When it comes, it runs off without having the chance to deeply penetrate and soak the soil.

I want the best year ever!  And, I want you to have the best year ever!  Let’s begin searching, plowing, weeding, cultivating, fertilizing, planting, and doing all that we can to prepare for the rains God is about to be poured out in our lives!  When those rains of heaven-born possibilities come, may the soil ready to receive and then produce heaven-born possibilities!!

Alisa and I pray for you to receive pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities!  May they become REALITIES in your life and ministry!

-Pastor Gary

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