Believe for Greater Things

In my last two newsletters, I shared with you some thoughts of how you are “CREATED” for Greater Things.  Knowing that you are Created for Greater Things demands that you BELIEVE for Greater Things.  Yet, there are times when your expectations for ‘Greater Things’ are not realized.  Take a moment to consider these four reasons from the scriptures which speak directly to why expectations are sometimes not realized:

  • Following One’s Own Schemes – Ezekiel 13:6; Ecclesiastes 7:29
  • Feeble Faith – James 1:6-8
  • Faulty Horizontal Relationships – Isaiah 58:4
  • Flawed Vertical Relationship – Haggai 1:9

Can we truly expect ‘Greater Things’ in our lives when we follow our own plans, are rarely in God’s Word, have unresolved issues with friends, family, or coworkers, or have not sincerely allowed Christ to be Lord of our lives?

I urge you to seek God as the Psalmist did and pray, “Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23,24

Remind yourself today: “Knowing that you are CREATED for Greater Things demands that you BELIEVE for Greater Things and Develop a Perspective of EXPECTING Greater Things which positions you to RECEIVE and ACHIEVE Greater Things through Christ Jesus!”

I pray for you to ‘Experience Greater Things’ in your life and ministry this year!

-Pastor Gary

ONLY 8 Weeks and Counting!!!

It’s seems like it was just a few weeks ago and it was Christmas.  Oh, I guess it was.  Can you believe that in just 8 weeks it will be Easter?  In these next 8 weeks churches will be celebrating “Valentine’s Day,” “Lent,” “Palm Sunday,” and “Easter!”  We have some ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS Lessons and Games ready for you to download and use to create some of the most memorable holidays for your kids at:

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