Why Are You Doing What You Are Doing?

Did you ever hear the story of the husband who claimed his wife’s ham was the best ham he had ever eaten?  In fact, one day as he was in the kitchen watching her prepare the ham for baking, he noticed that she cut both ends off the ham just before placing it into the pan.  He asked her why she did that.  She replied that her mother made the best hams she had ever had and that her mother cut the ends off the ham.  So, the husband wondered about this for a short time and then decided to telephone his Mother-in-law.  Her response to his question of why she cut the ends off the ham was that her mother made the best hams she had ever had and that her mother cut the ends off the ham.  Immediately after ending the conversation, he telephoned Grandma-in-law.  After explaining the situation he asked, “So, I was wondering why you cut the ends off your hams.”  Grandma chuckled and answered, “Because it would not fit into my pan.”

Often we discover that we are doing things in life and ministry simply from the influence of those around us without ever stopping to think about exactly what we are doing.  Consider this metaphorical question.  Are you cutting the ends off your ham when it comes to your kids’ service?  Are there teaching methods, activities, interaction times, music, etc… that are not a part of your kids’ experience at church that could bring a more vibrant worship experience to your group?

Do not allow yourself to get into a rut doing things that really have no life in them.  It is a consistent challenge for all believers to stand firm and steadfast to the never changing truths from God’s Word and God’s Character, yet be open to the fresh ways God wants us to present those truths in order to eternally change and shape the lives of those to whom we minister.

Take some time today and ask yourself, “Why am I doing things the way I am doing them?” 

— Pastor Gary R. Linn

Easy-to-Do, Quick-to-Prep, & POWERFUL-to-TEACH Easter Lessons!

Many of us have all sorts of activities planned for the next two weeks leading into Easter.  These creatively designed lessons provide great messages for your services and allow you to have more time prepping for the extra activities of the week.  

Available for you to download:

  • Ride the wave of today’s top game app ‘What’s the Word’ and explore the Easter’s message of eternal life
  • Examine the contents of a lady’s purse and you’ll find how the items remind us of the Easter story
  • Follow the path in the game of CandyLand on an illustrative Easter adventure

There are 37 Easter lessons, games, gospel magic lessons, you can download today at: http://childrensministry.org/estore/easter/

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