A Kidmin Top Priority

Doesn’t it seem that children across the globe are under the most severe spiritual attack in history?  What then is the obvious conclusion?  Children’s Ministry is top priority; therefore, Children’s Ministry Leaders are top priority! 

When I say “Children’s Ministry Leaders are top priority,” I desire you to focus on the ministry leader himself/herself, not on what the ministry leader does.  It is the individual who is powerfully equipped within their spirit that will have the needed impact for today’s world.

Children should thoroughly enjoy their church experience, as well as truly encounter and develop a relationship with their Heavenly Father.  The church needs spiritually equipped leaders who can marvelously bring children into the very presence of God.  Are you that leader?

First, let’s look at your life as a minister.  You are called to be a shepherd.  You are called to give and minister life into the lives of those in your flock.  Can you effectively do that if you yourself are lacking life?  Before you skip on down to those things below, please seriously consider your spirit’s nutritional intake.  I have found that, when one is heavily involved in ministry, it becomes very easy to give, and give, and give without taking in.  It is a deception to believe that a fair reading of the scripture and a short time in prayer combined with time ministering in service will provide the anointing you personally require.  This first point falls into that category of “doing” versus “being.”  You can become so involved in doing (what is required in the work of the ministry) that you begin to fade in being (whom God desires you to be).

Secondly, consider the focus of your ministry.  Are you spending more time in counting attendance or conversion numbers, building props, designing puppet skits, etc. than in passionate prayer?  There is a reason that the early church set up an administrative structure that would allow the apostles to first and foremost devote themselves to prayer.  Should we consider ourselves greater than those apostles who physically fellowshipped with our Savior, those God selected to powerfully inspire by His Holy Spirit to pen the Holy Scriptures?  If they needed a schedule devoted to prayer, so do we!

Prayer does change things!  Prayer is the most important aspect of your spiritual walk.  It brings you into direct communication with the Author and Finisher of your faith!  Consider the great cloud of witnesses. Consider those like Smith Wigglesworth, George Mueller, and E. M. Bounds.  These ‘standard carriers’ of prayer set before us an example not only of the importance of our prayer, but also the power that comes from time in prayer.

Do you feel the tug to do more?  Is there a certain passion growing inside you to see more take place through your services and ministry?  I love the way one minister puts it.  He talks of making a “quality decision,” which is a decision that there is no turning away from.  Will you make a quality decision to dig deeper into the spiritual wealth of what God has prepared for you?  Will you endeavor to discover and experience the fullness of His Blessing in all that your hands find to do?

Get serious about your personal interactions with God — Today!  Do not allow them to become routine habits that take place like a rote prayer over dinner.  The greater your relationship with the Almighty becomes, the more powerful your ministry to your flock.

Today’s Children’s Ministry Leaders must be: anointed, spiritually dedicated, faithful, fervent intercessors, Spirit-empowered for leadership, and supernaturally insightful.  It is a “Top Priority!”

Alisa and I pray for a fresh anointing to be poured into your life this very moment.  We place our hope in God Almighty, who began this great work in you, to complete what He has started as you fully and enthusiastically devote yourself anew to His call.

-Pastor Gary

Spiritually Equip Your Kids For School


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