Where Kidmin and Lawn Care Coincide!

Since starting CMToday and moving back to Florida in 1995, I have become keen of eye at spotting a certain type of crabgrass which, at a glance, mimics the appearance of St. Augustine grass.  This certain weed quickly grows across the top of the St. Augustine and smothers it.  When winter comes, the weed dies back, revealing large grass-less patches across the lawn.

Like the crabgrass weed, too often the cares of life creep in to choke the Word of God.  Cares and distractions, like that invasive crabgrass which quickly overtakes true grass, smother and choke the Word.

When winter seasons come in your life, you may discover large barren patches where you thought you had a lush lawn of faith, established on God’s Word.  The cares and distraction of life have come along and choked out the Word.  This not only affects your personal life in Christ, it most definitely impacts the ministry which you are so actively involved and desiring to grow.  Could it be that you need to revamp your ministry’s lawn care service?  Are barren patches slowly appearing?  The good news is that this is a “DIY” solution!

There are two things you need to do.

First, pre-emptively remain in the Word!  Remaining in the Word will sharpen your spiritual eyes so that you can detect those weed-distractions as they begin to grow.

Second, redemptively remain in the Word!  Remaining in the Word will ‘re-seed’ your faith in God’s Word  and fill in those bare areas before life’s winter seasons or ministry’s winter seasons come.

We love you and are praying for you!  Go forth today in God’s blessing!

-Pastor Gary

Spiritually Equip Your Kids For School

We just added two more Kidmin positions to our site!  More details for the Children’s Ministry openings at Cambridgeport Baptist Church & Broad Street UMC are at: http://www.childrensministrytoday.com/childrens-ministry-jobs/

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