Facing It Head-On

Facing It Head-On – Ministry Challenge from Pastor Gary

With so many tasks, events, people to see, and places to go on your ‘To Do’ list, it becomes easy to slip into an attitude of inwardly thinking “If I ignore it, maybe it will go away.”  That may be true with some things.  For example, ignore brushing your teeth and your teeth will go away sooner than you originally planned! 🙂

Nonetheless, when it comes to leadership and ministry, you must take a more proactive stance against those things which hold you back, continue to distract you, or even kill your dreams.  What do you think of when I ask you these questions?  ‘What drains your energies?’  ‘What issues continue to surface over and over again to cause you struggles?’  ‘What problems appear to follow you everywhere you go?’  As you begin to think about those answers, you may begin to recognize a core issue that continues to strike at your leadership and ministry.  Consider Numbers 21:7-9 as an analogy for your situation.  The Israelite camp was infested with serpents.  Those serpents were striking and killing the Israelites.  If they would have taken the approach of ‘just ignore it and it will go away,’ would any have survived?

Think about anything that repeatedly troubles your ministry and compare it to those serpents. Too often we avoid confronting the real issues which cause our ministry harm. We go about with an attitude that ‘if we avoid it or ignore it, then it will go away.’  Look at the principle God used with the Israelites when bitten by the serpents! God had them look directly at an image of what caused the injury and could cause them death. It was looking intently at what was hurting them that gave them victory over it.

What is causing you injury? Stop avoiding it and confront it head-on! Let the power of the Holy Spirit rise up within you to face it. It is then that you will overcome it.  Identifying the source of your struggles is the first step in overcoming it and moving forward.  If you continue to ignore it, it will continue to harm you and hold you back.

-Pastor Gary

2 Service Set of Back-to-School Kids’ Worship Services!

Kids want to have fun and you want them to experience the power of God in their lives! Give an opportunity for your children to have the best time ever in a church service while you thoroughly instill divine strength for this school year into their hearts!

Check out the “Let the Games Begin” 2 service set at: http://childrensministry.org/estore/let-the-games-begin-olympic-themed-service-set/

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