Christmastime is HERE! Here comes– parties, shopping, family activities, church events, extra work hours, holiday movies to enjoy, more traffic, more this, more that… We could change the song that says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” to sing “It’s the most ‘busiest’ time of the year.” With that thought in mind, consider Isaiah 45:24 as explained in the Amplified Bible.  “Only in the Lord shall one say, I have righteousness (salvation and victory) and strength [to achieve].”

Right now many of us are organizing and participating in many so parties, activities and events for the Christmas season that we often find ourselves working out of our own strength and thoughts.  God spoke very clearly through Isaiah in this passage that it is only as we are “in the Lord” that we can certainly experience victory and the ability to achieve the tasks upon which our hands are so diligently working.

Imagine what can take place as we first center all we do and who we are “in the Lord” instead of relying on our strength, i.e. efforts, energies, and ideas during this busy time.

“In the Lord” is salvation and victory!  “In the Lord” is the strength to achieve the miraculous power of God’s love working throughout all you do during this most precious season!

Start each and every one of your days “in the Lord.”  End each day “in the Lord.”  Do everything throughout your day “in the Lord.”  As you do, you will experience the Power of God’s Rest, Peace, Victory, Blessing, and Grace!

-Pastor Gary

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