It May Be Hard, NEVERTHELESS – Encouragement from Pastor Gary

My earnest desire is for this word to embolden your faith to the point of breakthrough in your life and ministry.  “May the Spirit of our living God be with you this day to experience His divine empowerment which enables you to overcome!”

I am writing to you from amidst much change taking place in my own life and ministry.  There are moments in which my emotions and thoughts try to persuade me that situations are ‘just too difficult’ to be solved.  It requires spiritual discipline to maintain the proper focus and vision.  Then, yesterday morning, God reminded me of something He said which will be a great encouragement for all of us today!

In Malachi 3:6, God makes a short, straight to the point, statement.  “I am the Lord, I change not.”  Consider how situations come and go.  Recognize that everything around you (and even within you) is constantly changing.  NEVERTHELESS, God does not change!  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  He is Jehovah, the Self-Existent One!

With this in mind, look again at what appears to be hard for you to work through.  What is it that is challenging you today?  What is trying to distract you from living and ministering in victory and authority?  You can look it straight in the eyes and say, “You may appear ‘just too difficult,’ NEVERTHELESS, my God does not change!  He is Jehovah-Sabaoth and Jehovah-Nissi!  He is the Lord of the Armies of Heaven and my Banner!  He acts with all-power to walk with me through to victory!

If you are asking ‘What exactly does that mean?’, consider how God reveals Himself through those two names.  Jehovah-Sabaoth is the name David used for God as he went up against Goliath.  (1 Samuel 17:45)  Jehovah-Nissi is the name used when Joshua got victory in Exodus 17:10-15.  Nissi reminds us of the flag (banner) placed at the top of a mountain after conquering the mountain by climbing it.

So, consider this, ‘It may be hard; NEVERTHELESS…  God does NOT change!  He interacts in your life and ministry as Jehovah-Sabaoth, bringing you victory over the giants that come against you!  He empowers you with strength and authority as Jehovah-Nissi to overcome every mountain!

Alisa and I continue to pray for you and believe God’s presence and power to be demonstrated through your life!

-Pastor Gary

Two “Somethings EXTRA SPECIAL” for Thanksgiving!

We have 2 NEW lessons up for Thanksgiving! – “Thanksgiving Togetherness Paper Fold” and “Clue Me In To Thanks Complete Kids’ Service”

Thanksgiving Togetherness Paper Fold is FREE with any other download from CMT!  The Togetherness Paper Fold focuses on cherishing time with family and friends, as well as the all important principle of talking together about the great things God has done.
Clue Me In To Thanks, our new complete kids’ service, is only $10!  I am sure that you will especially enjoy Clue Me In.  It is a creatively interactive lesson which involves your kids in more fully understanding 4 Scriptural principles about being thankful and expressing thanks.

Clue Me In and other “Thank”-themed lessons are at:

(PS – Also, the Clue Me In includes two PowerPoint versions of the lesson so you can use it with newer and older versions of PowerPoint!)

One Response to “It May Be Hard, NEVERTHELESS…”

  1. Oh! Am encouraged to now you are praying with me. Am praying for that more wisdom be added to you that you may continue giving me words of encouragement and inspiration towards ministry and personal growth! Alot of love from me and blessing.Ken

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