Can 1 Really Change The World?

Did you know that the world’s population is nearly at 7 Billion? Though you may feel lost or even insignificant compared to such a vast number or people, I want you to consider your uniqueness and God’s plan on your life. God has designed a marvelous plan for you! He has gifted you with talents, abilities, and insights which are distinctive for you. Yet, you may still feel as though you are simply one person amidst the masses of humanity. Please remember God always works through individuals! He chooses to glorify Himself through the life of one!

As we delve into God’s Word, we discover story upon story where God’s favor was demonstrated through one person to change the world. Noah was the one to save mankind from complete destruction. Joseph was the one to save nations from starvation. Nehemiah was the one to rebuild the walls. The stories of Moses, David, Deborah, Esther, Peter, and Paul continue to remind us that the world as we know it can be changed and forever impacted as God works His favor through the life of one person.

As you think about story upon story of God’s favor moving through just one person, let me challenge you to consider this… “It is time for YOUR STORY to be told!” The time for God’s favor to work through your life is now!

Draw closer to God today and open your heart to all He has in store for you. Allow Him to use your uniqueness and distinctiveness to change the world.

-Pastor Gary

NEW Crowned with Glory and Honor is GREAT for Easter!

Remarkably Creative and Simple to Do, Paper Folds are one of CMT Readers’ favorite methods of teaching the Gospel! Crowned with Glory and Honor is a marvelous paper fold lesson!

All eyes will attentively watch you create an Origami crown as you challenge your kids to give Jesus the honor He deserves as their King of Kings!

Using several Scriptures from the Easter story and 2 scenes of worship in Heaven from Revelation, this powerful lesson brings your audience to a strong salvation message—How have you treated Jesus? Have you been like those who placed the crown of thorns on His head or do you crown Jesus with glory and honor, giving Him worship as your King of Kings!


Crowned with Glory and Honor Paper Fold Lesson


NEW C.M. Job Openings –

First United Methodist Church, Life Bible Fellowship Church, Fellowship Bible Church, and Yorktown Baptist Church are looking for Children’s Ministry leaders.  More information at:


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