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HOW TO HAVE A Successful Vacation Bible School
By Betty B. Robertson, Creative Christian Ministries
Mar 25, 2003, 17:23

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Early Stage Planning

1. Pray
You start by praying. God knows the best way to get things done at your
church. If you have read Experiencing God (Blackaby & King) you'll remember
this example.  A church asked, "God, how do you want to reach our community
through us and build a great church?"  God let them to start a bus ministry
and provide transportation for children and adults to come to church. They
did what God told them to do, and their church grew into a great church. They
were flattered when people from all over the country began to ask, "What are
you doing to grow so rapidly?"  They wrote a book on how to build great
churches through a bus ministry.  Thousands of churches began to buy buses to
reach their communities, feeling that the method was the key to growth. Later
many sold those same buses. They are saying, "It didn't work for us."  "IT"
never works! HE works! The method is never the key to accomplishing God's
purposes. The key is your relationship to God. When you want to know how God
would have you reach boys and girls, ask Him.
>   Ask God to show you where He is at work at your church.
>   Watch to see what God does after you pray. Always make a connection
between your prayers and what happens next. For instance, maybe you'll start
hearing people say, "We sure have a lot of children in our neighborhood. Sure
wish there was some way we could reach them." PERHAPS this year -- instead of
a traditional VBS like you've had every year . . . God is working in that
neighborhood and you'll need to have a backyard VBS.  We'll be going over
some planning principles in this workshop. But planning is simply a tool --
it can never become a substitute for God. The biggest problem with planning
is we plan and carry out things in our own wisdom. We've got to be willing to
let God interrupt our plans any time He wants.
>   Be willing to attempt something only God can do. Often we attempt only
what we know we can do!
>   Be willing to adjust your plans and programs to what God is doing.

2. Ask
>   "Why are we doing what we're doing?"
>   "What is our purpose?"
>   "Where is God working?"

3. Choose the kind of school: traditional VBS or an option, based on your
answers to #2.
>   Backyard VBS
    The major purpose is outreach and evangelism.  By taking VBS away from
the church to neighborhood homes, a congregation is able to reach a greater
number of unchurched homes and children.
>   Monthly VBS
    Schedule one month for preschool and kindergarten children; another for
primary and middler; and the final time slot for junior and teens. This
alternative plan works great for churches short on space and staff.
>   Musical Mania
    Select a children's musical with a good message and spend at least two
intensive weeks learning it.  Present on a Friday night or Sunday morning,
inviting parents and friends. During practice session, can include a brief
devotional, activities, crafts or games.
>   Sum-Time Fun
    Plan a series of five field trips to places of interest in your area.
While in transit, learn Bible verses and songs.  Concentrate on kids bring
friends and making new contacts for your church.
>   Super Summer Saturdays
    All age groups meet in Saturday for a five to ten week period and have
>   Super Summer Sundays
    Conduct VBS for 5 weeks during the summer on Sundays, combining Sunday
School and morning worship hours. Great time to give your S.S. teachers a
break by recruiting a "SSS" staff.
>   VBS Day Camp
    Children and the out-of-doors go naturally together!  Boys and girls love
to run free, hair blowing in the wind, inspect a fuzzy caterpillar creeping
slowly along a low-hanging branch . . . It's almost as if God planned the
natural world as a special birthright of the young.  Children's natural and
wholesome fascination with God's creation is a foundation stone in VBS Day
Camp -- which is simply a planned program of experiences for children in an
out-of-doors setting during the day. Can be held at the church, making use of
parking lot and other available space nearby; at a local park; or anywhere
camp-like activities can be conducted.  Open-ended program, offering many
opportunities of resident camping (nature study, recreation, crafts, outdoor
education and fellowship) without the extended absence from home.  Program
activities include the use of VBS curriculum materials.

4. Set the date for the school, and putting it on the church calendar.

5. Order VBS curriculum materials

Middle Stage Planning

1. Enlist workers
>   a. Pray -- workers for the harvest
    If VBS is God's work, you can count on Him to help you. 
>   b. Recruit the right people.
>   c. Don't wait for volunteers to come to you.
    --Most people wan to help, but aren't very good at initiating.
    --Some people lack confidence in their ability to teach or lead.
    --Others simply have never been asked!
>   d. Make the approach person-centered.
    Present an opportunity, a responsibility and a need rather than a
predicament. It is important to sell people on the need of ministering in
VBS, but to do so does not require describing the predicament. The conveying
of a crisis is indicative that the organizational structure with its
recruiting policies has not been functioning properly. Rather than a general
call from the pulpit (anyone interested in working in VBS see so-and-so after
church), contact people individually. Ask specific people for a specific job.
Avoid appearing out of nowhere with a help request! Build relationships
first. Many potential volunteers wonder if they can interact effectively with
children. Let potential volunteers observe children's classes. That way they
will get to know the children before you ask them to decide. And they will
have a better idea of what's expected.
>   e. Provide clear, detailed job descriptions.
    Many potential workers misunderstand the task they are asked to perform.
No one can satisfactorily function in a given role unless it is clearly
understood what the duties are and what is expected included in the job
description should be some indication of what the worker may expect from the
church, as well as what the church expects from the volunteer. For example,
you may expect from us:
        --Thorough planning
        --Guidance at all points
>   f. Do not hurry the worker's decision.
    The potential worker should be allowed to carefully study the job
description, consider the matter in prayer and finally make a decision. If
divine sovereignty is at work within the framework of the local church (and
it is), then the worker's response to the request after prayerful and
intelligent consideration must be viewed by the church leadership as within
the will of God.
>   g. Exhibit enthusiasm!

2. Raise visibility of VBS through promotion
>   The more excited people become, the more likely they will want to be
>   Let the church know something exciting is about to happen.

Final Stage Planning

Train workers for success
One seminar professor has been quoted as saying it was a sin to give lay
people a job and not tell them how to do it!
    a. Training involves:
1.  Time 
2.  Energy 
3.  Patience
But training helps ensure that what you delegate will get done because your
volunteers will know how to do it. Through training you impart your vision of
what you hope to accomplish through VBS.  Training will build a team spirit
among all your volunteers.
    b. Volunteers want good training to succeed in their job

1.  Plan individualized training sessions, if necessary
2.  Have seasoned teachers mentor new ones.
3.  Direct the event
4.  Recognize volunteers by finding personal and surprising ways to say thank
>   Candy bar with a message (ZERO would happen in our VBS without your
willingness to help)
>   Make a heart magnet that says "You're at the heart of what happens in our
>   Give a plant with a note: Our VBS wouldn't GROW without you."
>   Appreciation certificates
>   Thank you note

RESOURCE: "Avalanche of Ideas for A Successful VBS" (Includes ideas for
increasing enrollment, attendance boosters, special feature ideas, exciting
summer ministry options, etc)
© by Betty B. Robertson, Creative Christian Ministries

© Copyright 2003 by Children's Ministry Today

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